I don't know why I still do it. All my relatives in the Old Country, which is much more Catholic, don't give up shit and think I'm weird. Especially since I haven't so much as been to a mass in a decade.
I don't know why I still do it. All my relatives in the Old Country, which is much more Catholic, don't give up shit and think I'm weird. Especially since I haven't so much as been to a mass in a decade.
The only reason i am still a practicing Catholic is because of liberation theology and the guerilla movements it inspired from the 60s-80s in Central America, where I'm from.
The roman Catholic Church is full of shit tho, but what the people in my countries do with their faith is nothing short of good praxis.
I once read about an Irish Catholic based religion that incorporated liberation theology, i would easily convert if this was a mass movement here in the US or Latin America.