I had no idea Egyptian mythology was so wild:


In Egyptian history there are many battles between the Egyptian deity Horus and Set, the god of the desert. Though the argument was usually over which of the two had the rightful claim to rule Egypt, one rather odd battle involves lettuce. According to Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, as interpreted by Ikram, Set at one point tries to overpower Horus by seducing him and then having intercourse with him. Horus places his hand between his legs, catches Set’s semen and throws it into the river. “Horus tricks Set by basically spurting his sperm and throwing it into a lettuce plant, ” Ikram says. Because Set eats the semen-covered lettuce, in the eyes of the gods, Horus was dominant—at least until the next battle.

  • @GinAndJuche
    1 month ago

    Egypt invented soggy biscuit, if the ancient stuff is true it just got even wilder. Imagine traversing the vast cosmos just to teach a guy to eat cum lettuce.

  • booty [he/him]
    1 month ago

    for its resemblance to the phallus

    Guys. You'd better get your dicks checked out by a professional. I don't think they're supposed to look like lettuce.

  • @Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    1 month ago

    "Contact a priest if the ability to make untiring love lasts longer than four hours"

    Ancient dick pills. 🥬

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 month ago

    I had no idea Egyptian mythology was so wild:

    A game like Hades but using Egyptian mythology would work equally as well.

  • D61 [any]
    1 month ago

    Surprised this hasn't been the punchline to an oglaf.com comic.