Anti-Communism, not even once.

any guesses on who this is? Hints below:

Hint #1:


The principal factors which influenced my life are 1) nonviolent tactics; 2) constitutional means; 3) democratic procedures; 4) respect for human personality; 5) a belief that all people are one.'

Hint #2:


According to President Ronald Reagan, I was denounced by former friends, because I never gave up my conviction that minorities in America could and would succeed based on their individual merit.

Hint #3:


I supported sending jets and weapons to Israel to fight the Arab States, I worked with the CIA to rig elections in the Dominican Republic, I gave "critical support" to the US military intervention in Vietnam, I opposed arms control agreements with the Soviet Union, and I supported the deployment of the apartheid South African army to fight the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola.

Hint #4:


I convinced Martin Luther King Jr. to abandon the use of armed protection for himself and his family, and took credit for teaching him about the principles of nonviolence.

Hint #5:


President Barack Obama posthumously awarded me the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013.



I'm Bayard Rustin , an African American leader in social movements for civil rights, socialism, nonviolence, gay rights... and neoconservativism.