• Waldoz53 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    my mom had this weird finger pain in one of her fingers for a long time, and doctors would say oh its just being old or arthritis or something. then one doctor decided to actually check out whats going on, and im not sure if it was xrays or something else, but they did find what it was: a tiny fish bone was lodged inside her finger somehow. they did a little surgery and removed it and my mom's finger pain went away.

    its the most random thing that doctors were just brushing off until one was like ok we'll figure this shit out

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      My version of this was absolutely massacring my shoulder in a sports related collision. Went to the doctor. Doctor said "it's a soft tissue injury it'll heal on it's own. Five years of intermittent pain later I think "Wait aren't there physical therapists for this?" Turns out my insurance covered it and a few months of exercises and the pain went away and it's been fine ever since.