A timeless classic.
Rantsonas will never not be funny to me
No, before you say anything :owl-wink: is not a rantsona :owl-pissed: Now that's out of the way, heres the problem with forced diversity. The SJW agenda is clearly ramming inclusion down ou-blah blah blah etc
:last-sight: :shapiro-gavel: :last-sight:
FFS hammers were supposed to be a leftist thing. We gotta take them back! :kitty-cri-screm:
No, before you say anything, :owl-wink: is not a rantsona :owl-pissed:
Maybe not, but :president-parrot-patriotic: is.
Sorry for linking that shithole
It does tend to point out explicitly when the memes are racist or something, even when most people online will go all "wtf how is it racist fuckin woke agenda smh can't even take a joke anymore"
the problem with forced diversity: there's not enough of it. i want every character to be an increasingly obscure ethnicity. i'm talking peoples who number in the dozens, tops. and all of them are gay, too.
Hate when I'm trying to look at furry cuck/impreg porn and the commissioner has an anarcho-capitalist flag in their bio.