Before someone invokes rule 8, the xeet got little engagement because it's about a very local subject. However, I have some supplementary info to add, and this is a nice microcosym of "middle" class brainworms to point and laugh at.

There's an unused property in my county that the county is trying to figure out what to do with. Somehow, chuds are convinced with no evidence that the county council plans to turn it into immigrant housing (as if that would be a bad thing). This boiled over into one of the council members being harrangued by a mob of angry racists.

Here's a video from the news showing more NIMBY kkkrakkkers freaking out about it possibly being used as housing for former addicts. It shifts to burgers fearmongering about muh ill eagles half way through.

I also found a blog post by a local reactionary going over the community questions at the meeting that praises the freak from the xeet About half are kkkrakkkers pearl clutching about muh 🤢🦅s, and he ends by going off about how the county needs to adopt draconian laws punishing muh ill eagles.

I'm seeing my closest friends speeding down the fash pipeline due to shit like this. It's getting to the point where I've heard them go off about great replacement shit in all but name. The only reason I haven't cut them out of my life at this point is a combination of having 0 left wing friends, executive disfunction, and my difficulty functioning living alone making moving out of my parent's place difficult.

I swear chuds always squeeled about illegal immigration, but somehow it seems like it's been worse the past year or so then it ever was before.

Edit: Bonus content

Turns out the chud with the blog is a Q follower and made a gab post back in October oinking about how the coucil didn't cOnDeMn HaMaS. Archive link to the post

  • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Gab is still a thing? I thought all the people too racist for Twitter were allowed back on.