:stuff: He does not care after a culture of the community fixing the game post launch has developed the last decade(s)
He keeps trying to fuck over, divide and conquer, monetize, and piss off all the modders and the entire community, which is really impressive given how much the company relies on unpaid fan labor.
"It's ok, the mod community will fix it in a week or two and we can copy their work" -Todd probably
Considering the state most AAAyyyyyyy games release in, I don't think Tom would care even if the community fixes never got made.
the real CHIM is the gods we've mantled on the way
Why bother when they have a willing pool of unpaid labor?
:party-blob: It's time to shit on Bethesda! :hexcrab-party:
What'd they release now? Elder Scrolls VII or Fallout 5?
I googled "Bethesda" and some news articles about something called "Starfield" came up? Is it that?
Literally everyone: "We would like Elder Scrolls six please"
Todd: "We're making an original ip except it's not very original, it's just a re-skin of Fallout where you do generic space stuff in space"
Literally Everyone: "This is not Elder Scrolls six, but we admire your commitment to pissing off everyone who has made you successful during your entire career".