Hi Hexers
I will be visiting the Big Apple, New Yawk, which is what Midwesterners call NYC despite not knowing the context for the nickname no one uses in the first place.
So far I have:
✅️ whistling and yelling TAXI at my ubers while looking at my invisible wristwatch holding a briefcase with nothing in it.
✅️ having an authentic nyc pizza at Sbarro (I'm a bit of a foodie)
✅️ setting myself on fire at the Times Square M&Ms store, screaming "your false chocolate idols will not save you from the inevitable collapse of capitalism"
✅️ going to a real new york BOw-DE-Ga where they still use sticker pricing guns
✅️ watching the sunset shift change from squirrels to rats from Central Perk
Can anyone suggest some actual ideas plz.
I'll accept joke / bit answers too but ask that you balance them with an actual idea. Bonus if they get me out of Midtown/ Lower East Side.
For reference i've been to the city a lot, and all the to-do lists are normie reddit tier terrible foodie rehash.
Go to the worlds biggest Applebees in Times Square and then loudly proclaim “so this is why they call it the big apple” They love that shit