Don't care for 'em.

:deserve-1: :deserve-2:

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    There are a handful of shows that I enjoyed that had laugh tracks but that was in spite of the laugh tracks.

    "I Love Lucy," for example, remains timelessly funny with only a few parts that aged very poorly, but even then, the audience laughter moments (I assume it was a live studio audience back then) felt more like an early version of what we now call parasocial bonding with I N F L U E N C E R S. :heated-gamer-moment:

    At best, laugh tracks are just annoying. Many shows I have tried feel aggressively condescending and patronizing with laughtracks and make it hard for me to laugh, let alone enjoy the show at all, because it feels too forced. "What was said was funny! Halo(tm)(r) Night is a funny concept! Laugh, consumer! Laugh!" :capitalist-laugh: