Walter Rodney, born in Guyana on this day in 1942, Pan-African, Marxist intellectual who was assassinated by the Guyanese government in 1980 at 38 years old.

Rodney attended the University College of the West Indies in 1960 and was awarded a first class honors degree in History in 1963. He later earned a PhD in African History in 1966 at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, England, at the age of 24.

Rodney traveled extensively and became well-known as an activist, scholar, and formidable orator. He taught at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania from 1966-67 and 1969-1974, and in 1968 at his alma mater University of the West Indies.

On October 15th, 1968, the government of Jamaica declared Rodney a "persona non grata" and banned him from the country. Following his dismissal by the University of the West Indies, students and poor people in West Kingston protested, leading to the "Rodney Riots", which caused six deaths and millions of dollars in damages.

In 1972, Rodney published "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa". Historian Melissa Turner describes the work this way: "A brutal critique of long-standing and persistent exploitation of Africa by Western powers, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa remains a powerful, popular, and controversial work in which Rodney argued that the early period of African contact with Europe, including the slave trade, sowed the seeds for continued African economic underdevelopment and had dramatically negative social and political consequences as well. He argued that, while the roots of Africa’s ailments rested with intentional underdevelopment and exploitation under European capitalist and colonial systems, the only way for true liberation to take place was for Africans to become cognizant of their own complicity in this exploitation and to take back the power they gave up to the exploiters."

On June 13th, 1980, Rodney was killed in Georgetown, Guyana via a bomb given to him by Gregory Smith, a sergeant in the Guyana Defence Force, one month after returning Zimbabwe. In 2015, a "Commission of Inquiry" in Guyana that the country's then president, Linden Forbes Burnham, was complicit in his murder.

"If there is to be any proving of our humanity it must be through revolutionary means."

  • Walter Rodney

Megathreads and spaces to hang out:


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  • Dolores [love/loves]
    1 year ago

    i don't know why im watching shit i hate (oh wait im quarantined for covid lol) but the Mandalorian continues to be so fucking stupid


    so these badass warrior culture assholes who never take off their helmets [so sexless and lol can you imagine the overlap of people thinking its badass who are anti-niqab irl] live in a literal fucking cave yet twice this season have gotten attacked by big ass wildlife right outside their dumb fucking cave

    but this dragon that steals this kid, its revealed its happened multiple times before like what in the fuck. oh we're so badass oh we love our 'foundlings' (not unconvinced they're 90% kidnap victims) but yeah, a big animal eats one of them every week or so. how are we squaring the 'in hiding/exile' live in a hole people with their constant theatrical victimization but random animals. that's not fucking hiding!

    more awful worldbuilding bits: insistence on helmet-stays-on weirdos being 'ancestral' (in-universe this could be false i guess though, & that's just their superstition), but other aspects are clearly innovations---what's this 'exile' and being in hiding without the empire destroying their planet? how can the traditional way of living also be the wimpy hermeticism? and the mandalorians couldn't be traditionally nomadic if the troglodyte creatures they manufactured for a fight scene in the mine episode 'lived between the cities'

    also the enmity between jedi and mandalorians, even though its canon from the clone war tv show was basically handwaved by the smith lady so baby yoda gets to participate in the story

    just taken on its own though this show is really fucking lost in the sauce. this show was started as a 'what if the star war but not with the jedis and kinda episodic', yknow a break from the conventions established in the property. well this season its like the storyboard of every episode has a quota of Star War: Sword Fight! Dogfight! The Mysterious Force (modified to cultural mysticism when required)! the Pirates and imperials set up for the dogfights are particularly ridiculous, the pirates had no reason to attack Djarboy & Bo Katan without any followers apparently warranted an imperial fleet attack even though theres not supposed to be one of those anymore :puzzled:

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      Boba Fett's first published backstory was that he was a traffic cop who got bored and stole the Mandalorian armor from a museum and used it to become a bounty hunter.

      I really dislike how focused the series has become on flying murder hobos. Like I don't care about boba fett I'm sorry can we get back to the fight against fascism or the space wizards moral conundrums about when it is or isn't appropriate to use magic or something?

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        1 year ago

        flying murder hobos

        or if they have to lets just let them be flying murder hobos and not get so fucking reverent about it

      • Cromalin [she/her]
        1 year ago

        god. remember andor? maybe season 2 of andor will also be good

    • MaxOS [he/him, any]
      1 year ago

      At least


      They let Ahmed Best back to do a serious role this time.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      1 year ago

      That is what is expected of a warrior culture. The Spartans used to starve their kids to make them hunt or raid for food.

      Mandalorians are one of thr most sci-fi bits. Cause if I lived in star wars I would just coat myself in invincible ship cladding bolt on guns and take over a planet. They even got a jetpack and cna fly. That's rad as hell.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        1 year ago

        Spartans drool:gigachad:

        also in both cases of child endangerment literally all the mandalorians were there too and attempted to aid the child. it would be interesting to intentionally endanger the children but they clearly don't want it happen and are just shown to be horrid defenders of their flock. 'warrior culture's one job is protecting that culture with force, no?

    • space_wizard [any]
      1 year ago

      Until this season I thought for sure the point was this was an insane cult and that the mando would have to overcome his life of abuse at their hands. Apparently mando toys sell too well

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        1 year ago

        it looks like theyre gearing up to convert the reasonable mandalorian into one of them lmao