If centrism is to the left of Marxism-leninism then how could Stalin have been a centrist? checkmate anarchists :anarxi:
Arguing intensely online about the moral differences between anarcho-syndicalism instead of centralized communism as though the important question we need to address right now is exactly how centralized our fantasy football team should be.
Communists and anarchists licking each other into submission over who is considered more left
This seems like factionalism. Or at the very least :bait: for factionalism.
The Overton window of my wildest fantasies.
Ooooh, quote Kropotkin harder, daddy.
So where does the correct ideology (Democratic socialism) fit into this?
Extremist wacko nonsense, come on, don't be ridiculous. Nobody will take you seriously. :garf-troll:
Centrism is when you acknowledge that anarchists and MLs both make good points