Mine's an old :freeze-gamer: whopper.

The chud, that is unfortunately in my extended family, played Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind when it was still a new game and was a recent hit. He said that he liked the game but wished it was less ethnic and tried less hard to be multicultural and preachy.

He had a lot of mods in the game. :awooga: harem mods mostly. But he also had a bunch of severed Argonian heads as well as other ethnics that offended him on display in his modded harem throne room.

As you might have guessed, he had absolutely no issue with Skyrim except how ethnic and feminist some of the characters were, and had mods to "correct" that. And another harem that he proudly announced to offline dinner guests that didn't ask. :kombucha-disgust:

Oh yeah and he had to tell anyone that didn't ask and didn't care that of course he murdered Paarthurnax because he "was so sick and tired of that PC shit where dragons talked and were nice instead of stupid and evil like they should be." :frothingfash:

      • wild_dog [they/them]
        1 year ago

        i think you're underestimating how bad American history education is. my advanced history teacher in high school spent more time telling us how American slavery wasn't "that bad" than they did actually teaching us anything about the civil war.

          • wild_dog [they/them]
            1 year ago

            that's also true. i've just had to explain basic history surrounding the USSR or Vietnam to people who actually do want to know the truth so many times that I think there's more to it than just people quickly rejecting counternarratives since there's an entire capitalist superstructure telling you the things you learn in school or the correct media sources are true and objective.