• ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
    26 days ago

    lmayo If you're a bank dumb enough to extend that much credit to a college student, you absolutely deserve this cake. The fact that he was a foreign national is just the icing.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    26 days ago

    i knew this guy who did this, sort of but not really. when he was like mid 30s, he maxed out all his credit cards to the tune of like $20k to purchase consumables for the dying self-employing sole proprietor business he ran out of his parents' house. he did it intentionally planning to default, the logic being, "well i am broke, what can they do to me? the vehicles i use are in my parents' names. i have nothing" his parents are on fixed income/retirees.

    i am a fan of sticking it to the man, but even i was like, "is this a good idea?"

    anyway, his dad found out about it before the declaring of bankruptcy and he had to sit down with them. after that conversation, which i was not privy to, he got a regular job and was made to pay off his debts. i am pretty sure there was a personal bank loan involved so he wouldn't have to pay the 22% interest rate or whatever on the cards.

    the point of this story being, a strategic default can totally be a genius play but the implication is it has to involve strategy.

    like taking the cash and leaving the country forever lmao.

  • OrionsMask [he/him,any]
    25 days ago

    My first thought was: this is an op to get the "China bad" chuds all worked up, you know they'll go to bat for the institutions that fuck them over every day if it means another excuse to be racist towards someone Chinese.

    My second thought was: BASED. But is this bulletproof? They won't get jammed up in China over this?

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      25 days ago

      I mean china is a giant country. There’s a lot to explore there so he probably won’t be bored. But even if he decides to leave, I don’t think most countries are going to waste their resources arresting him and extraditing him to the US over this

  • Leon_Frotsky [she/her, undecided]
    25 days ago

    i remember seeing some liberal threads on this and they were malding so hard about this guy abusing the trust of the bazillion dollar companies that would happily kill you for your kidneys if they wouldnt face any consequences