When I was born, I was black, When I grew up, I was black, When I'm sick, I'm black, When I go out in the sun, I'm black, When I'm cold, I'm black, When I die, I'll be black,
But you,
When you're born, you're pink, When you grow up, you're white, When you're sick, you're green, When you go out in the sun, you go red, When you're cold, you go blue, When you die, you'll be purple,
And you have the nerve to call me colored!
-idk some guy.
My wife and I realized that we’ve become this meme for each other. Like “Hi I’m actually a jabrd expert, he only makes that tiny sigh like that when incredibly depressed”
Becoming a big Hollywood actor just to get the top shelf voice training to go around narrating mundane things with a British voice
But also cute white boys go like that when you call them cute :meow-melt:
Or sometimes Yakub just made em like that
I'm just white enough to need sunscreen but not nearly white enough to get rapid biofeedback if I'm not wearing the right amount of it. :angery:
Help me think of a slur that means "half Moroccan, half Greek"
In the pre-:pete-eat: era I might have tried to pull that off just to fuck with people.
My brown skin protects me from sunburn but not skin cancer so I still need that sunblock sadly.
Both of my hands go incredibly red all the time in winter :deeper-sadness:
Nope, I also go this colour when skinny blokes call my hair pretty.
A sibling is the palest in our family, and there's a story about when they were young related to this. They played little league soccer, and when getting physical in the sun they would do this. The latino coach was very concerned. Mom had to convince the coach it was a normal thing. They are fine. You don't need to pull them out of the game, they just turn red when getting extra active. No big deal.
The Holy Light of God revealing the deamons for what they are.
and in the shade too bc white people love to drink and eat meats in the shade source: am white person with high blood pressure also in dappled light source: dappled light guru with 42069 followers
Sometimes I see a purple aura around pale people. Like snow pale people. Not sure how to describe it
The AURA READER is responding!
i get this so bad lol, i've had several people ask if i'm ok before because ill turn bright pink and not even notice.