They act like the ideology is static and everyone agrees with each other and how things were in the past.

They act as if liberals and conservatives weren't lynching minorities a few decades ago, then spend millions of dollars trying to court them to their side today. They act as if they weren't sterilizing you for being disabled or gay for centuries, then spend millions encouraging corporations to throw parades for them. American liberals act as if their best selling broadway show isn't about pro-American POC playing as historical figures who would've put a chain around all of their necks and sent to the fields.

I don't mention these things to defend socialist countries that had the same or similar policies towards minorities. But it's fucking annoying to see that the sentiment that only capitalists are allowed to evolve and change their stances on things. "Stop crying about slavery, that was hundreds of years ago. But every sin under communism must be scrutinized because everyone today still supports the same exact beliefs a hundred years ago."

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I once had a lib tell me that slavery never happened under capitalism because "capitalism is based on free association, so if there's slavery, then by definition it isn't capitalism." I asked him, if that wasn't capitalism, what was. He pointed to places like western Europe and the Nordic countries. I told him that those places still use African slave labor for things like rare earth metals and chocolate, and explained how the western economic bloc uses coups, regime changes, and war to keep the Global South poor and exploited. He told me "No, you need to study economics. Capitalism doesn't benefit from keeping anyone poor."

      I'm amazed that anyone ever becomes communist, because trying to get a lib to understand any of this shit is like talking to a fucking wall.

      • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
        1 year ago

        “No, you need to study economics. Capitalism doesn’t benefit from keeping anyone poor.”

        What is the reserve army of labor, or to use capitalist words, why is 95% employment "full employment?" Why are we currently trying to "cool the labor market?"

      • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        “No, you need to study economics. Capitalism doesn’t benefit from keeping anyone poor.”

        Because rising production costs and lower return on investment are things capitalists love, of course.

      • MalarchoBidenism [he/him]
        1 year ago

        No, you need to study economics

        What is it with liberals and acting like they arrived at their political positions by actively studying economics / history, instead of just marinating in society's anti-communism sauce. Worst part is how condescending they are about it, like "ever heard of gulags? maybe look that up, kiddo :maybe-later-honey:"