Less than two weeks after Nintendo pulled the plug on the Wii U and 3DS marketplaces people are already lining up to buy another proprietary Japanese handheld console that can and will be turned into a paperweight and its games lost to the ether the moment it stops being profitable

Get a Steam Deck or one of the other portable handheld controller style PCs you clowns

  • booty [he/him]
    1 year ago

    that can and will be turned into a paperweight and its games lost to the ether the moment it stops being profitable

    This is what Nintendo wanted to happen to the 3ds, but it's absolutely not what actually happened. Why do you think Sony will succeed where Nintendo failed?

    • FuckYourselfEndless [ze/hir]
      1 year ago

      Sony has better encryption. And Microsoft seems to have even better encryption. Part of it's obviously due to differences in hacker/consumer interest, but my PS4 is hacked and it fucking sucks to use compared to the PS3 and PS3 sucks compared to any Nintendo console, where Nintendos are basically a breeze with little user annoyance to hack. A lot of PS3 stuff hasn't been dumped yet, especially DLC. A lot of DLC's been lost to time as far as we know because they got delisted years ago before people started consciously archiving stuff.