used to enjoy the contest of pacing between batter and pitcher. baseball is a lot less relaxing now with that fucking clock ticking down in the corner of the screen. if you must have a clock at least stop fucking showing it on the overlay graphics MLB


  • DoubleShot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'm with you 100%, but I'm determined to try and still enjoy the games regardless. I am just as annoyed with the strike zone box, too. MLB keeps making little changes that are hindering my enjoyment - pitch clock, strike zone box, instant replay, DH in the NL, etc. Eventually I could get to the point where I'm just not watching anymore.

    I'm also for a brisker pace but I could have sworn I saw someone do the research and it showed cutting down on ad time between half innings would be the most impactful action for reducing the time a game takes.