you don't have to "pass", who the fuck gets to decide what genders are supposed to look like? Cis Men? They can barely find a shirt which isn't beige and covered in pictures of flags and guns.
Apologies, I faltered in my leftist theory and forgot to consider the material conditions.
wanting to support your comrades emotionally is a good instinct. <3 OP is still totally right, i just wanted to let you know the thought is sweet.
I wonder what I could say which would be more constructive? "Exile the entire Republican Party to Abu Dhabi"?
it certainly put a smile on my face! honestly though, there really isn't anything. or at least, nothing i can think of. even if society treated non-passing trans people identically to cis people it would still hurt not to pass because, safety aside, it sucks to look in the mirror and hate what you see.
This plastic existence is mocking us. I say we laugh right back at it.
:trans-heart: wish i had something to say besides i know how you feel and i'm sorry you're suffering.
I have two sides, one is Nonbinary
The other is Nonbinary, but with a hat
Much love my comrade :meow-hug: