Oh isn’t it funny to see your favorite pop culture icons all hot wearing gaudy clothes talking about how much they love balenciaga? Peter Griffon loves balenciaga, Harry Potter loves balenciaga, Tony Soprano loves balenciaga. These memes really make me forget about the time a few months back when balenciaga got shit for sexualizing minors in their ads, or the time kanye went “death con” on the jews wearing balenciaga on the Alex jones show. Before that time the only luxury fashion brand I could name was probably Gucci and I wouldn’t buy that shit because only sheep wear designer clothing. I’m not jealous that you can afford it, I’m contemplating assaulting or robbing you for wearing it. Do I even need to mention how bad the material conditions are for the people who make these clothes? I don’t even need to look anything up to guess that it’s probably poor disadvantaged women and kids from third world countries making these shitty god awful expensive clothes. High fashion is a disgrace to the human race, I’ll stick to my blue jeans and flannel because I want to fit in. Balenciaga, bad things should happen to you if you wear it.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    tbh I never knew what "balenciaga" was until this "meme" went viral