I've fucked around a bit with ChatGPT and while, yeah, it frequently says wrong or weird stuff, it's usually fairly subtle shit, like crap I actually had to look up to verify it was wrong.

Now I'm seeing Google telling people to put glue on pizza. That a bit bigger than getting the name of George Washington's wife wrong or Jay Leno's birthday off by 3 years. Some of these answers seem almost cartoonish in their wrongness I almost half suspect some engineer at Google is fucking with it to prove a point.

Is it just that Googles AI sucks? I've seen other people say that AI is now getting info from other AIs and it's leading to responses getting increasingly bizarre and wrong so... idk.

  • blakeus12 [he/him]
    8 months ago

    edit: beaten to the punch by JohnBrownsBussy2

    please can we make this a tagline