Make Roleplay Servers Great Again

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Raider culture has always been an aggressively obnoxious energy vampire to me.

    Even when I did raid and got somewhere with it, the happiest I was with it was "the mumbling Epic G!mer calling everyone "terribad" and telling them to commit suicide for standing in the wrong place is finally satisfied... maybe (one time the mumbling Epic G!mer didn't like that the completion time wasn't optimal and called everyone "terribads" anyway).

    For me, it was draining, exhausting, yet the raiders in most MMORPGs were the loudest and most aggressive lobby, not just demanding almost all of the developers' time, but foaming with rage if there was an entry level version of anything for the "casuals" with "welfare epics." :frothingfash:

    I remember when the Epic G!mers foamed with rage at the idea of appearance slots of any kind, because they wanted some pretentious boot-style uniform system where everyone wears their tier of obedience to raiding.

    I'm glad FFXIV, for all its faults, usually has entry level versions of pretty much all content instead of locking tons of story behind obedience to the mumbling Epic G!mer calling everyone terribads. :debord-tired:

    • happybadger [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The best raiding for me was playing The Burning Crusade on Zuluhed, a very low population server. We could barely form enough of a group to handle Karazhan let alone Serpentshrine Caverns. Those were monumental events after endless wipes. But there were like 50 level 70s with raid-ready gear so I knew practically everyone on the server. It was repeatedly wiping with friends. Tried a more serious raiding guild on a high population server and it was miserable. People losing their shit daily because they didn't get the gear which gives them 1% more performance. Nerds doing intrigue against each other and ragequitting when their pseudo-employees didn't perform to the standards of what some website told them is optimal. Zuluhed's emptiness made the world feel real.