Make Roleplay Servers Great Again

  • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    Oh it's about the world of warcraft I thought it was about those nerds who would get mad at you for wasting their time in warcraft 3 ladder games when i was younger

    • SerLava [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I have been playing some of the StarCraft 2 Arcade minigames recently, like Direct Strike and oh man, people get fucking LIVID if you do ANYTHING out of the ordinary, holy SHIT

      StarCraft used to have a somewhat good community, pretty average to slightly above average, lots of nice people and some assholes.

      But in the last 5 years it's become a literal Nazi cesspool.

  • berrytopylus [she/her,they/them]
    1 year ago

    Multiplayer video games make you dedicate lots of time and effort into it and people get mad when they feel like their time and effort is wasted because of another person.

  • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    This video was very hard to watch for me, as someone who played WoW from 2006 up until very recently.

    The main problem these people are missing - unsurprisingly - is that to them, playing an MMORPG and doing World of Warcraft style raiding are one and the same. To them, and to the players, and to the devs as well, pretty much since Wrath of the Lich King originally launched the only truly relevant part of the game, is the raiding experience. But I remember a time when nobody fucking raided. In vanilla, almost nobody did 40-man raids. It wasn't because we were too dumb, it was because no one wanted to do all the obnoxious, grindy bullshit you had to do in order raid. And those who did, largely, were viewed literally as "elitist jerks". And I remember when the main selling point of an mmo was how immersive it was, how much adventure awaited you, how much the game would enable you to be what you want to be, rather than a game where people are looking up "best talent builds" before they even finish installing the game. Warcraftlogs, parses, and most raiding addons are abominations.

    I could do a whole response video to this thing but who has the time for that, plus it would just make me sad. The main point is that this video puts basically all the blame on the collective subconcious of players, but that's only partially true, and Blizzard 100% enabled this mindset. Just look at Wrath Classic - there is literally nothing to do but log in and raid. There's hardly even any daily quests. You log in, you raid, maybe you do a little farming, you log out. This is not what an MMORPG is supposed to be, but to the people who made this video, to Blizzard, and to most WoW players, that's all it is now. You make it so only one part of the game is relevant, and then you break everyone down into number values ranking how good they are at that one relevant part of the game, and hey, what a shock, it gets toxic as fuck.

    As someone who has done nearly every single thing WoW had to offer, including ample raiding: fuck raiding, fuck raiders, fuck Blizzard. Even though I have many problems with it, I'm just gonna play FFXIV for a while purely because standing around in a city playing music for people all day is a completely relevant thing to do.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I'm glad I was already sick of Acti-Blizz's creepy grifty bullshit before I could even consider going back to WoW. When the most exciting thing coming out is a rollback of content, they done fucked up.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Raider culture has always been an aggressively obnoxious energy vampire to me.

    Even when I did raid and got somewhere with it, the happiest I was with it was "the mumbling Epic G!mer calling everyone "terribad" and telling them to commit suicide for standing in the wrong place is finally satisfied... maybe (one time the mumbling Epic G!mer didn't like that the completion time wasn't optimal and called everyone "terribads" anyway).

    For me, it was draining, exhausting, yet the raiders in most MMORPGs were the loudest and most aggressive lobby, not just demanding almost all of the developers' time, but foaming with rage if there was an entry level version of anything for the "casuals" with "welfare epics." :frothingfash:

    I remember when the Epic G!mers foamed with rage at the idea of appearance slots of any kind, because they wanted some pretentious boot-style uniform system where everyone wears their tier of obedience to raiding.

    I'm glad FFXIV, for all its faults, usually has entry level versions of pretty much all content instead of locking tons of story behind obedience to the mumbling Epic G!mer calling everyone terribads. :debord-tired:

    • happybadger [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The best raiding for me was playing The Burning Crusade on Zuluhed, a very low population server. We could barely form enough of a group to handle Karazhan let alone Serpentshrine Caverns. Those were monumental events after endless wipes. But there were like 50 level 70s with raid-ready gear so I knew practically everyone on the server. It was repeatedly wiping with friends. Tried a more serious raiding guild on a high population server and it was miserable. People losing their shit daily because they didn't get the gear which gives them 1% more performance. Nerds doing intrigue against each other and ragequitting when their pseudo-employees didn't perform to the standards of what some website told them is optimal. Zuluhed's emptiness made the world feel real.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    interesting video. definitely articulates some of my suspicions.

    i played wow from vanilla launch until early 2007, which was burning crusade. i never once gave half a turd about raiding or even dungeons. i only played on a pvp server and only gave a shit about improving my ability to spontaneously fight against every class, exploring the overworld for ambush sites, and mixing it up in random encounters with other players. i felt the PvP battlegrounds were merely OK, but definitely preferable to all the instanced PvE content if i have to grind something for gear. neither captured the anxious energy of a random encounter far from any road with someone from an opposing faction while questing. hostile guild? name recognized? level differential? are there others out of sight? fight or flight, maybe both!

    i worked with a ton of people that played WoW and every time they described how awesome some dungeon/raid content was, it all just sounded like a choreographed job orchestrated by some busybody who wants to tell others what to do. i get why people like it, but it's not my style of game.

    i found a couple of friends that felt the same, we formed our own little guild of weirdos and over the course of time formed into a well-oiled gank squad of run and gun troublemakers who could adapt our tactics spontaneously and predict each others' moves. our fighting abilities only eclipsed by our abilities to escape justice! pocket sand!

    i left due to circumstances of life, but my friends who continued playing told me it steadily became worse over time. even the people who really liked all the PvE stuff seemed to find it all to be a chore after some time, no matter how much new content was added.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The tension between the two play objectives really hit home. Almost every good experience I had in the game was doing world PVP or non-instrumental things. Sneaking around Orgrimmar killing defeated duelists, mind controlling people off the boat in Stranglethorn Vale, raiding Stormwind with 200 people, using pathing glitches to climb above the world. Short of Alterac Valley matches, no organised progress thing was anything more than a means to better gear for me. It was more exciting to set off a snake trap at the Goldshire Inn and then evade guilds hunting me than it was to raid or do arenas. A level 10 character was more fun to play than my tiered armour level 70s.

      • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Sneaking around Orgrimmar killing defeated duelists

        lmao, hell yeah.

        mind controlling people off the boat in Stranglethorn Vale

        i loved the engineering shit. i strived to create the gnomish death ray at level 47. it was such a piece of crap but i loved it and used it as often as i could. like a 5 second channel, if you move it breaks and you have to wait another hour, always takes 500-1000hp off your life no matter what, and then does random damage between 0 and 4000. one hour cool down, iirc.

        one time it was just perfect. i sapped some level ?? on the road (likely 60, the cap at the time... already a nice bit of luck to not miss) and then one-shot insta-killed them for 3600. i almost pissed myself as i ran away, pretty much half dead from its life drain. i can only imagine what that guy thought about that encounter.

        • happybadger [he/him]
          1 year ago

          When arenas first launched my server had some of the most insufferable assholes fully decked out in PVP armour with Illidan's legendary glaives and shit. They paid guilds to run them through Black Temple farming the best stuff possible to boost their arena performance, and then they'd stand outside Orgrimmar endlessly dueling people. There was nothing like sapping them as a rogue, pulling off a quick ambush at 1hp, and then sprinting away before the other could react. I'd taunt them on my horde account while I did it and it caused the purest nerd rage.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            There was nothing like sapping them as a rogue, pulling off a quick ambush at 1hp, and then sprinting away before the other could react. I’d taunt them on my horde account while I did it and it caused the purest nerd rage.


      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I enjoyed battlegrounds way more than any WoW raid I ever did :I-was-saying:

        Arenas were a foaming pit of toxic stunlocky meta bullshit with built in power creep gentrification in the gear tiers, though. :nyet:

  • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
    1 year ago

    this video just made me depressed because the healer overhaul in ffxiv made me quit the game :deeper-sadness:

    but yeah its very true. unless the game is designed to avoid it then MMO communities devolve through the 'been there done that' feeling and turn into jobs. this triggers an arms race between the devs and the players, killing the world and substituting it with a virtual office. of course its rude to be bad at your job, you're punishing everyone else's workload that way.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I hated the "minuette" bowmage crap they forced upon Bard in FFXIV during Heavensward. :disgost:

      • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
        1 year ago

        me, i used to play astrologian but then the cards got worse and the time mage themes were all removed

  • KnockYourSocksOff [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    I've stopped playing most multiplayer games where they require you to do a bunch of min/maxing and look at spreadsheets all day, and instead opted for games that are entirely centered around min/maxing and staring at spreadsheets like Victoria 3