Before anyone clicks on that link, please be advised that /r/Russia is a quarantined subreddit, meaning that if you participate there, it may affect the standing of your Reddit account, and/or the amount of leniency shown to you if the admins ever debate banning you. I just thought I'd mention that because I know everyone here would like to continue to participate in Reddit as much as possible and cares deeply about what the Reddit admins think of them. :picard-troll:
Anyway. Dimitri Lascaris. Interesting fellow. Let's see what Reddit has to say about him.
Canadian lawyer 'Dimitry'
He's Greek.
Dimitry is slavic name, Rus version of it is Dmitry, without first ''I''. He is more likely to have Ukrainian, Bulgarian or Serbian ancestors then Russian, with that spelling.
He's Greek. Look at his last name. Google it if you need to.
Dimitri. Yes. A very common Canadian name.
ARGH. Canada has had a Greek community for five and a half times longer than Ukraine has been a sovereign state, you bag of compost.
Is this thread just a panoply of dumb motherfuckers doing dumb motherfucker things, like the rest of Reddit, or have pro-Ukraine factions been trying to memory-hole the existence of Greek people? Why on Earth would they do that?
Yes, well, if we renamed them "Mondaï, Tuesdaï," etc, they'd be less Russian-looking.