• CarmineCatboy [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The Bell Riots are a prophecy.

        i hope the prophecy is a bit versatile this time around because the original creed relies on people being empathetic on the internet

      • goboman [any]
        1 year ago

        Did you know in NuTrek that BLM and Trump supporters trigger/are part of a second American civil war that leads into WW3?

        Bell riots, second civil war, WW3, eugenics war. The lore for that time period in Trek is a mess. They're all smooshed together and so vaguely defined.

        Stop trying to keep the timeline contemporary Rick Berman you fuck.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          1 year ago

          This is one of those rare things you can quite blame Berman for. It's mostly due to most of that stuff being g made up in the 60s

          • ssjmarx [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I think it would be easier to just say that the Trek timeline from 1960-present is an alternate history than to constantly retcon details about the setting as new things happen. Plus the way modern Trek comments on modern political issues is really, really bad so I wish they'd stop.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        1 year ago

        at least the various fictional governments involved would provide the people in the Sanctuary Districts with food and water rations, physical buildings to live in, and make an effort to keep legitimately

        You're just describing prisons.

        That's what the Sanctuary Districts ultimately became. Chunks of the city that had fallen into slum conditions were simply nationalized and repurposed as prison grounds for the unemployed.

        Their plans seem to be to force homeless people to simply die of exposure out of eyeshot of wealthy people.

        A lot of the plan involves scoping up homeless people and shoveling them into post-COVID jail vacancies. But even then, we're running into the UK dilemma of not wanting to actually spend more money on jails. So what we end up with is much more akin to shoddily built and staffed concentration camps, where people just languish until they're released or they expire.

        We might be moving in the Sanctuary City direction if housing prices every collapsed. But right now, real estate is just too valuable to be wasted on new jails.

          • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
            1 year ago

            those fictional prisons are far more humanely run


            I mean, its all fiction, so I can't really argue the degree to which fictional people were fictionally treated. That said, I think you overstate the theory that these places were "humane" by any standard.

            what real American leaders are proposing

            What current prisoners in my own home state of Texas are suffering exceeds what "real American leaders" are proposing. Even the fucking guards in these prisons are passing out from heat stroke. People are dying from malnutrition, from dehydration, from the fucking mumps... Nobody seriously wants to talk about the absolutely hellish conditions of our prison system.

            I'll cede that the fictional utopian hellscape of DS9's pre-history was marginally less bad. But all that really proves is how disconnected from prison policy in the US we've all become.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        Putting barbed wire fences and machine guns around a big group of people in the open and letting them starve to death is one of the most cost effective ways to do mass murder.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The most depressing thing about Past Tense is that, as horrible as the situation is, at least the various fictional governments involved would provide the people in the Sanctuary Districts with food and water rations, physical buildings to live in, and make an effort to keep legitimately-dangerous criminals out.