• emizeko [they/them]
    1 month ago

    love how they cold open with an atrocity and then say

    The blood and the limbs are fake, the injured are unharmed actors and the first responders are trainees.


  • blobjim [he/him]
    1 month ago

    I like how they have a giant picture of a white South African guy in Taiwan half way down the article.

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      1 month ago

      'Any enemy coming here will have to consider that they won’t just be up against defence forces. They will be up against the Taiwanese people.' Tobie Openshaw [another white guy] talks on a radio from a spot in the mountains overlooking Taipei

    • buckykat [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      “I will hold out in Taiwan for as long as I can and support and help as much as I can because this place has been better to me than my home country has,” Openshaw tells Al Jazeera from his car in the mountains overlooking Taipei.

      He has decades of emergency preparedness experience going back to his two-year national service in South Africa in the 1980s, and he regularly gives talks about the topic around Taiwan.


      • blobjim [he/him]
        1 month ago

        I didn't even skim it thoroughly enough to see that part, thank you for your service 07

  • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
    1 month ago

    Fearing war with Mexico, civilians in Texas prepare for disaster (honestly half these people are the same crackers who'd be doing it in Texas too)

  • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    Establishment criticised for doing too little

    Lmao they're doing everything in their power to start a nuclear war with the PRC

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 month ago

    Taiwan is to asia what Israel is to the middle east and what the US wanted Ukraine to be to Europe.

    It's the same model over and over again.

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Yao learned that the day he entered Ukraine to volunteer as a medic.

    It was April 2022, and he had just crossed the border from Poland when a Russian missile struck near him, killing many of the people Yao had teamed up with since landing in Warsaw. “That was my ‘welcome to Ukraine’,” he tells Al Jazeera.

    Before the missile strike, he had spent many hours being interrogated by Polish authorities and then by Ukrainian authorities. “I first landed in Poland, and they all wanted to know why I had come all the way from Taiwan to go to Ukraine,” he says. “They thought I was crazy.”

    But with his own training as a medic in Taiwan's army, he had started planning his journey the moment he saw pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Ukraine. “Ukraine’s situation with Russia is very similar to Taiwan’s situation with China, so I wanted to go help,” he says.

    He subsequently served in the International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine doing supply runs and organising donations from Taiwan besides working as a medic.

    When he returned to Taiwan after three months, he joined the military reserves, believing the armed forces, like him, were drawing lessons from Ukraine.

    But he became disillusioned by what he considered to be a lack of proper training in the reserve force and in the established civil defence forces.

    “When I raised my concerns with my superiors about this, they told me to shut up because there was not going to be a war with China anyway, so it didn’t matter,” he says.

    “There are people in the established system that are too old-fashioned and are not taking the threat seriously.”

    Military superiors in three different countries thought this guy is a dumbass lol

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      1 month ago

      They don’t. “Armed Civil defense” in Taiwan is civilians “training” with air soft

  • hello_hello [they/them, comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    He had served as a parachute medic in the US army's 82nd Airborne Division from 1997 to 2000, so he initially, he considered drawing on this experience to go as a volunteer combatant. Instead, he packed his camera gear and went to document Ukrainian life on the front lines.

    LMAO. Let me film the worst moments of your life and then broadcast it to out of touch westerners so that more people can suffer like you.

    Oh you died? Great content!