Ban these fucking things or at least ban anyone under 25 from using them

These little assholes zoom around at light speed colliding into grandmas

Not sure what it is about electric scooters but people on them are way more reckless and less mindful than cyclists

  • 7bicycles [he/him]
    1 year ago

    None of the problems here are inherent to e-scooters, though, that's my thing. The current model is bad, absolutely and I agree, but the fact that they get tossed and replaced is a function of how they're managed, it's not like the technology in there is like inherently unstable. It's a scooter and an e-motor, that's pretty tried and true on all fronts.

    I fucking detest the fact that takeout and such is often given in plastic single use containers when I'd be very happy to bring them some tupperware to put my slop in but that means I want a better take out world, not banning that shit.

    And I fucking hate E-Scooters but that's me being a raging RETVRN guy on this issue specifically, just use a bicycle like a normal person (excluding people with mobility issues)