
there's tons of theory ("75,900 search results" lets get Goopy) on this exact topic. Pretty sus that leftists cannot talk about it, probably because woke radlibs agree "mental health and wellness are the true revolution". The DSA shares the Liz Warren at OWS ideology of "consumer freedom for individuals to make rational, self interested choices as they navigate the marketplace"

Hexbear:"the USSR is so absurdly moralist in their anti-bourgeois ideology, masturbation isn't a liberal construct that leads to atomized people disregarding society lol"

Moralist bureaucratic neoliberals at every McKinsey consulted corporation: "its important to have a sexual practice for your mindfulness and wellness as an individual. If you aren't making conspicuously virtuous instagram self-perfection posts, you are falling behind in the marketplace and no one will hire you for a gig or brand engagement. Your LinkedIn resume must be trash if you don't tweet about shoving a jade egg up there, my woke PMC friends will never hire someone lacking in spiritual self-care virtues like you. You will NEVER be part of our corporate family" :pete:

imagine talking about an elephant but you never say the word "elephant ", you only talk about easily recognizable features we are all familiar with, like a "long trunk" or "floppy ears" or "uncanny human-like eyes" or "long memory and desire for revenge"

does anyone know what this thing is??? "🐘" I can see the image but I don't know the word because leftists tell me its jargon that the working class must be ignorant about

  • RonJonGuaido [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Hexbear:“the USSR is so absurdly moralist in their anti-bourgeois ideology, masturbation isn’t a liberal construct that leads to atomized people disregarding society lol”

    unironically got em