And I will never forgive them for it. And every time I try to ask this question it gets banned with a little mod quip saying "lol you're gunna' die". Fucked up.

  • FuckYourselfEndless [ze/hir]
    1 year ago

    :anarchist-occult: (the mods): "It's anti-dialectical to oppose death, actually"

    Fuck you. :angry-hex: Fuck you modds.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This is a true story.

    I was in the library a few months ago trying to enjoy some DaVinci Code, as Dan Brown's literary genius just pours out the pages. So the Hexbear mods are a few table away, drinking soda pop in a library and being all loud talking about their opinions on gaming consoles, Sega vs Nintendo. It was really distracting. I can't read a sentence about crawling through catacombs without the mods screaming "WARIO YOU FUCKING NOOB". I don't want to cause a fight, so I say, as gently and kindly as I can:

    "Excuse me, good people. Can I bother you to be more quiet. This is a library and technically we're not supposed to talk here."

    I thought this would be the end of it. But the mods just looked at each other for 2 second. Then they just started smiling and then laughing louder and louder.

    One mods comes to my table." Look lads, it's a LIBRARY. We're not supposed to be LOUD."

    Another follows him. "Oh SORRRRRYY." I didn't realise that we were BOTHERING YOUUUU. "

    The rest of the mods come to my table. They're circling around and just talking nonsense, and just trying to be loud. As if that was enough, one of them chugs his pop, and literally just belches in my face. I go, "guys can't we all just be polite." But that just makes it worse. "Po-lite po-lite po-lite" they start chanting. I just try to ignore them, so they get more aggressive. Finally they just dump the remaining pop all over me and my precious DaVinci Code before going back to their table, talking even more loudly than before.

  • Farman [any]
    1 year ago

    Im pretty sure at least one mod here is a fary of some sort. And they have the ability to interact diferently with time. Thus trancending death.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    No one:

    The mods: