Honestly I just feel kind of powerless and hopeless.

Like...maybe I could join some organization, but left wing politics in the west just seems like a joke, either full of socdems or just fractured beyond belief.

One of the "easiest" things I guess I could do is just talk to people I know about politics. But, I honestly don't even know if Americans can be reached at this point. Assuming they can, I still don't know what the best course of action would be. Is it better to just be a super commie and radical to serve as some counterpoint to all their other influences? Or do people arrive at their own conclusions on their own time and I should just subtly plant seeds? One would certainly be safer, both in keeping my relationships intact and not having the government shove me into a van.

It seems futile, I am powerless against the osmosis of our society, even if I plant seeds, it means nothing if no one is there to water them. The one thing I can do on my own means nothing because I am a drop in the bucket of the cultural zeitgeist people are influenced by everyday. And any kind of collective action I could take just seems untenable.

idk I am just rambling

  • cpfhornet [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    You're right in that America does not have a large communist party, but if everyone says that and never joins because its not big/serious enough yet, how will we ever grow one? Theory is just observation without practice, something I tend to be hypocritical at times but I'm certainly getting better. We can't afford to let history pass us by anymore, we are pretty much out of time on the climate front. There are rapidly growing parties (again, not sure of your tendancy) that need radicalized people like ourselves to grow to levels of a party that you're seeking.

    And if you're looking for party/org recommendations, I'd be happy to suggest some, though I'm sure there are others with much deeper lists of recs than me lol.

    • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      I'm pretty nondenominational (haha get it because leftist groups are like religions) I probably lean more ML or Leftcom, but I haven't read enough to really say and again I find the whole process of doing so kind of pointless, feel free to recommend some. I am honestly just going to hitch my horse to whoever seems more likely to accomplish anything tbh.

      • cpfhornet [she/her,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        PSL is growing fast and has pretty good politics and action. Their journalism site: https://www.liberationnews.org/ - and their political ed. site, where you'll find a lot of the core of their line: https://liberationschool.org/

        DSA is going to be more large tent and less explicitly communist, though they have a revolutionary caucus.

        Green Party claims to be socialist now but idk

        CPUSA is still around but I don't know too much about them, apart from the typical rumors of infiltration and revisionism

        There's a bunch of Maoist parties out there, but I don't know a ton about them and I think they're generally a lot smaller.

        • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          I don't think PSL has that big a presence in my state if they aren't on the ballot. I'll probably just look into DSA, it seems decently big enough and from what I can tell from twitter the local group doesn't seem that libby.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            You could help make it big in your state though. :amerikkka: