You won't be able to connect with your workers if you're playing Final Fantasy 1-15. You're basically an anprim fascist, really. And worst of all, you're kinda' weird. And stodgy.
I'm having so much equal power dynamicked sex because of this thing (equal except that I have a PS5 and they don't). Gunna' unionize my workplace by telling them they all will be able to afford PS5s if they do.
Squinex has been on the shitter lately. Is 16 any good?
Not out yet, some parts seem neat but overall IMO it has kind of an antiquated "serious" tone to everything I've seen.
Protagonist looks like almost as much a parody of edgy white guy protagonists as the limp bizkit guy from the funny spinoff.
It actually doesn't look very good to me unless it turns out that it will have an amazing soundtrack or something. I always preferred the futuristic FFs though and turn-based stuff.