Concert-goer has “loud and full body orgasm” during LA Philharmonic performance. The orchestra "politely carried on"

The incident happened while the orchestra was performing Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5. “A woman in the audience had [a] loud and full body orgasm during the 5th’s second movement,” tweeted Magnus Fiennes, a composer and music producer who was in attendance. “Band politely carried on. Props to LAPhil (and Pytor Ilyich) for bringing it on.”

In a reply to Fiennes’ tweet, however, someone else who was in attendance suggested the moan could have been something quite different. “I was there. This is not what happened. The poor woman had a breakdown of some sort,” he replied. “Speaking to Elim after the concert (we are friends since out time together at U of M) and we were all worried it was a medical emergency. Please have more respect.”

wait, you mean the class of people doing weird pagan/satanic temple rituals of human sacrifice like in that Stanley Kubrick movie can't tell joy apart from happiness? So weird! will-fancy agony