Female choice in selecting attractive mates whose adaptations and traits are desirable to them are a big reason for the progress of evolution away from asexual reproduction towards new sexes like the adaptation of males, or "women 2" as I will now call them. What a garbage sequel, worse than New Coke :amber-snacking:

You'll be amazed at how lifelike our bot is - it's like chatting with a real person!

yeah this sexless fascistic liberal ideology is brainless and soulless as shit LOL https://www.amazinglife.bio/evolutiongpt

Some of the factors that may have contributed to the evolution of men include competition for resources, sexual selection, and environmental pressures.

"Sexual selection" (Hbomberguy breaks through the AI server room walls with an axe) BUT WHERE DID THAT SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION INTO MALE/FEMALE COME FROM, CHATGPT???



Here's comrade Alice at EnergySkeptic.com reviewing a great new book debunking patriarchal liberal death cult orthodoxy: https://energyskeptic.com/2023/the-myriad-ways-females-play-a-role-in-evolution/

PDF: "Bitch: On the Female of the Species" (2022) https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=141867435

Its got some actual science instead of the misogynist PMC Jeffrey Epstein type Darwinian radlibs who literally argue "males have all the power in evolution because they rape whoever they want after competing with each other, after all that's the only reason a satanic redditor like me can imagine getting laid. Wait wtf, what is a clit?? What do you mean 'women aren't interested in wasting their time on a dud like me'???".

This liberal ideology is despite the fact every male animal clearly wastes all their energy trying to impress females who can simply walk away (liberal 'husbands' confirmed rapist property owners like a farmer who owns cattle inside a barbed wire fence). We can clearly see why male animals dedicate all their vital energy to grow huge colorful tail feathers to dance around like a fool, or showing their powerful horns in battle. Anyone with eyes can see that females obviously have the power when it comes to mate selection (hyenas uwu).

That's probably why demonic capitalists have to flip biology on its head, pretending the clitoris doesn't exist and female pleasure has no impact on fertility. According to these pitiful MCU manchildren, the heroic sperm cell is "active" with the egg being "passive" despite evidence of female anatomy in literally "upsucking" (hell yeah girl power is real) sperm which they are receptive to and refusing any they are not attracted to. These deadeyed liberals are desperate to rewrite textbooks about human anatomy and tell themselves that women have no pleasure and no power in the sexual partnership. I wonder why the class of Jeffrey Epstein PMC would dream of a utopia of pagan sex temples where "sex is freely given to those who cannot find it" as that one incel anarchist Breadtuber at the CHAZ said to Brace Beldan's dismay lol. Why would redditor radlibs have a worldview with such foundational beliefs which whitewash female agency? :amber:

The clitoris is perhaps the only organ more understudied than the vagina

It arrived on the anatomical map in the mid-16th century, ‘discovered’ a bit unconventionally by an Italian Catholic priest called Gabriele Falloppio (1523–62). When Falloppio’s finding was shared with the great physician Vesalius, the founder of modern human anatomy, it was swiftly dismissed. Vesalius proclaimed that ‘this new and useless part’ didn’t exist in ‘healthy’ women only in hermaphrodites. This inglorious misunderstanding set the stage for the next 450 years, which saw the clitoris routinely lost, rediscovered and subsequently dismissed by the medical patriarchy.

In many manuals the clitoris was present in the early 1900s, and subsequently deleted mid-century, suggesting that its omission was perfectly intentional – a subconscious means of denying women sexual pleasure, perhaps. The anatomical bible Gray’s Anatomy was just one of many to remove the clitoral label from their diagram of female genitalia. Other textbooks significantly undersold the clitoris’ size, the extent of its nerve supply, or only deigned to mention the external glans, accompanied by a cursory explanation of its form being merely a ‘small version of the penis’

anti-communist PMC radlibs at the CHAZ: "tankies don't know actual science"

Women under communism: (more pleasurable sex, more power over mate selection)

It turns out even female insects enjoy sex, if it is done right.

liberals: objectively less human than bugs (we already knew that!)

It’s likely that female genital stimulation in mammals acts as a form of copulatory courtship, to induce ovulation or aid in the transport of sperm. In which case, a measure of pleasure might be another way a female subconsciously decides if a male gets to fertilize her eggs or not.

Danish pig farmers know all about this. They’ve discovered that artificial insemination is more effective if preceded by manual stimulation of the clitoris, cervix and flanks. So they’ve taken a practical approach and developed a special five-step sow stimulation routine, with graphic images for guidance. Seduction starts with the farmer stimulating the sow with a fist, moves on to massaging her hips and finishes with the farmer sitting on her back to mimic the weight of the mating male on her. This sow seduction formula results in 6% more babies than going in straight with a cold hard syringe, but may put some off a career in pig farming.

Adam Friedland Show bit

Despite their image as racing Olympians, sperm don’t actually have the energetic resources or directional swimming skills to travel under their own steam to the site of conception. They need help. In some primates the degree of sperm uptake has been linked to contractions associated with female orgasm. During climax, the release of the hormone oxytocin causes the uterus and oviducts to contract resulting in the ‘upsuck’ of sperm, which significantly accelerates their passage to the egg. A study of captive Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata, found that females are more likely to achieve orgasm-like responses when mating with high-ranking, socially dominant males, suggesting preferential sperm uptake for these males.

hell yeah I'm a feminist accelerationist (loud sucking noise like a vacuum)

The more we investigate the female reproductive tract, the more ownership a female gains over her fertilization rights, and the more ridiculous the idea of an all-important ‘sperm race’ becomes. It turns out that mammalian sperm aren’t even capable of fulfilling their biological function without female intervention. They can’t actually fuse with the ova without a period of activation known as capacitation. This is under female control and involves chemical alterations of the sperm, probably involving uterine secretions. But guess what? We don’t know much more because it’s not really been studied. Unfortunately, although recognized for more than 50 years, capacitation remains an ill-defined process.

npc face: "buh? what does feminism have to do with science? Actually I'm an anti-ideology SCIENTIST unlike you tankies, watch my Breadtube series about Bookchin's theories of the uterus"

Does the ova pick the winning sperm?

Ova have long been considered the very epitome of female passivity; their large size and sedentary nature, in comparison to the small and mobile sperm, the very source of sexual inequality. Textbook descriptions of fertilization take the form of a biological fairy tale, with the helpless princess ovum waiting listlessly for her heroic sperm prince to battle his way to her rescue and awaken her from her lifeless slumber. But there is growing evidence that the egg can actually influence which sperm gets to enter, regardless of which one ‘won’ the race. Unfertilized eggs are known to release chemo-attractants that essentially leave a trail of biological breadcrumbs to guide sperm in the right direction. Not all sperm react in the same way, meaning there is room for the egg to select the optimal candidate, rejecting those that are genetically incompatible even if they arrived first. The egg makes no concessions for romantic partners, however. In the study of human eggs, in over half of the cases the egg preferred the sperm of a random male and not the woman’s partner.

"nooo you can't say 'I would rather make babies with literally any random person not you'!!! I'm your property owner, I mean husband" :pete:


Barbara Smuts points to our ancestors’ gradual switch from hunter-gathering to intensive agriculture and animal husbandry. While cooperation on hunts gave men the possibility of controlling food resources, women’s contribution to foraging limited this control. The smaller plots of land associated with the switch to intensive agriculture and animal husbandry, however, limited women’s movement and gave males control over resources and an incentive to form political alliances with other males, to fight rival males and control females.

A foraging lifestyle makes it much harder for males to restrict females’ movements and access to resources, as they are able to get their own food and other resources. But once females were restricted in their activities and males gained control of high-quality foodstuffs, like meat, females lost agency and became sexual property. Paternity became an issue, as property was inherited, and patriarchy took hold.

Engels: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State

  • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    It turns out even female insects enjoy sex, if it is done right.

    liberals: objectively less human than bugs (we already knew that!)

    Broke: You will eat the bugs. Woke: You don't even deserve to eat the bugs.