These woke Gracchi want to take your uncle's estate and further privatize public lands with their Regressive, woke, Fascias Lex Agraria. These Garum Gracchis, these Potable Populari are actually the real fascias and are aggressively privatizing the commons in the name of "equality". These supposed populari Professio-Procurator class (PPC) are in effect just deluded optimare. Their affinity for the norms and regulations of the anti-social (having fought on the wrong side of the Social War) institutions like the Roman Senate elide their true face.

The PPC Rad-Optimares claim to stand in for the slave and working classes of Rome, but you only find them at high-end wine bars with "real authentic Illyrium Garum" and Pillium bars. They will claim to have solidarity with Sparticus, but declare that he was to radical and outside the system and support Marius as a "Populari". The supposed woke PPC still believe in electoralism even after the assassination of the Gracchi.

They say that "Zoroastrianism with Sasanid Characteristics" is still just as Imperialist as Rome, in true Neoplatonist fashion. Name a world view more fascias-Optimare than Neoplatonsim. I'll wait.