Possibly the coolest name ever
What has she been up to lately? I don't follow US celebrities too closely. Except podcasters of course
Sounds alright to me. It would be nice if non-rich people weren't made to specialise for economic reasons. I forget the Marx quote about being a generalist., but it's a good one
I hope so. It would be nice to have good opinions in high places (money places I mean, universities are easier). Imagine a Soros but like how fascists imagine him. Who actually funds cool, good shit.
The thing is that Soros, Gates, etc. are ride or die bourgeois. 100 billion dollars in pesos. I wonder if Shning Pth asked for money before resorting to their own operation. Bet so
Not justifying Lucanamarca or killing dogs to send a message to Deng Xiaoping (sad!) or any of that shit btw. Never will
Continuity and Rupture is a pretty decent book. Black Redguard was a very good US(!) Youtube (!!) Maoist. Haven't checked if he's still online recently
I've been listening for a while. It's pretty good. Not quite :citations-needed: level, but similar in it's measured and specific deconstruction of various tech bullshit instead of media bullshit. Although it does vary a little as it's so guest heavy.
yeah, those are the only two left oriented podcasts I've recommended to people
That name's guaranteed to make :reddit-logo: mald. Good. :order-of-lenin:
This Machine Kills, in the same vein, is a neo-luddite podcast hosted by Jathan Sandowski and Ed Ongweso jr.
Nice. Hadn't heard of that one. I haven't been keeping up with podcasts lately. Started listening to Against Japanism which is seems good so far. One guest on there seemed particularly good
It's on my to read list but not at the top. Unfortunately the list is yuge and growing yuger