This is a part 2 of this post I made. [CW: Very Fucking Depressing! Images of Palestinians Suffering; Animal Cruelty Too]

I'm not gonna talk about the whole follow-up post this user did here, but this slide in particular is why I just want to talk a bit more about this bozo and his sleazy, bad-faith tactics.

Funnily enough, I actually found out about this post through an anti-Zionist vegan account I follow and DM with on Instagram that fell for this bait, not knowing that this man is using this to deflect criticism he got for supporting genocide. Once I clarified this with her, she seemed to be quite shocked. It's amazing how tight people like @carnism_debunked can put on a mask.

For a quick refresher, the last post was him being mad at an anti-Zionist vegan criticizing an Israeli animal rights group for placing Palestinian children that are a 3 hour drive from them below the animals they'd rather advocate for instead.

This horrible "vegan" Zionist influencer on Instagram, named George Martin and under the handle of @carnism_debunked, is trying to have his cake and eat it too. On one hand, he's trying to seem like his concerns with so-called "intersectional vegans" is simply them "taking away from the focus on animal liberation." On the other hand, although he's trying to give off the energy of seeming "moderate" and having an apathetic outlook on Zionism itself, he is trying to "sneak in" his own pro-Zionist commentary in the post instead of solely centering the post around the supposed diversion tactics that he accuses intersectional vegans of committing.

This is why his first post has (not so) subtle jabs at anti-Zionism, such as a Zionist's favorite: accusing anti-Zionists of being anti-Semitic. He is having a cognitive dissonance moment in the exact same way a carnist has a cognitive dissonance moment about eating pork in every meal but getting upset when a single dog gets mistreated. But he can't sit comfortably with that! After all, he is "carnism_debunked," so him thinking like a carnist would make him his own enemy, right?

And his fanbase, which, of course, consisted of a lot of fellow "vegan" Zionists ate this shit up and took him to be a noble man because of it. According to this slide, he opposes "racism" and "genocide," but... is still a Zionist?

This is just peak libshit virtue signaling, done in a libshit's favorite way to virtue signal: use words that sound good but not actually understand or live up to the meaning of them.

Can we please explain why the vegan movement has a seemingly not-so-insignificant portion of people who place innocent civilians below animals? This isn't any better than the carnist tendency to place animals so below humans that they justify killing them, so why the fuck would a vegan condone the inverse?

I truly hope that all social justice movements, including veganism, LGBTQ+ activism, feminism, and racial justice can be cured of all the liberal bullshit that plagues it. Without intersectionality, you get people somehow condoning a genocide of Palestinian children while condemning extreme abuses of farm animals, two things that I'd rather both condemn and lend not a single bit of support to.