I will go outside and smell the trees in my neighborhood first thing in the morning.

Another gem from this fascist:

"You seem to really be against minorities, and it's weird AF.

Israelis punching up at the Arab dominant social group in the middle east which is constantly violently attacking Israel (then stupidly crying when Israel hits back) is perfectly normal.

Pretending that Arabs are a persecuted minority is stupidity (it's giving "White Lives Matter" vibes). Attacking me simply because you can't counter my points is also stupidity"

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    1 year ago

    never argue on reddit

    never do the thing where you pick parts of what the other person said by quoting snippets of their comment (that should be illegal and everyone who does it should go immediately to jail)

    when you reply to something like this just write a comment as if you were talking to everyone else and what things really are, almost as if the person you are replying to does not exist

    you can persist this way through multiple replies always addressing their claims as "some people claim" or "the common falsehood of"

    if you do it this way you never have to acknowledge or address any doubts as to the credibility of your sources or their badgering, after all, you arent talking to them.... you are just commenting under their comment