:vegan-v: :soypoint-2: She's vegan

  • SaniFlush [any, any]
    2 years ago

    The sandwich minigame in Scarlet/Violet is coy about wether or not the animal products involved animal death. Most of the fish comes from Veluza, a species which sheds excess strips of flesh to become faster and more deadly. The imitation crab is stated to only be flavored with shed Klawf shells... the "pork" is never given any excuse, but I'm assuming it's like the Garden of Eden gag from The Simpsons where a pig offers Homer strips of bacon right off of his belly.

    • iridaniotter [she/her, she/her]
      2 years ago

      Carnist logic at work folks. They made the conscious decision to depict every animal in the Pokémon universe as having human-like intelligence so that even meat-eaters can truly empathize with them. Then, instead of having humans just eat vegetables or use the fictional excuse of "oh we have food replicators, so no killing necessary for this delicious tauros flesh!" they instead take cognitive dissonance to the extreme. It's our right to eat animals god damn it! But Pokémon are so cute... Oh what if we just ate their dandruff? It's practically an egg! It's not surprising. This is the same company that brought you the liberal games "Black and White" whose storytelling is considered the finest in the entire franchise. And what is the storytelling? Well, when you think about it, Pokémon battling is kind of bad, so don't think about it! Only super evil VILLAIN teams think about it. Besides, who's to say "maybe we shouldn't enslave pokémon" is a truthful or idealistic statement? Well it doesn't matter; Ghetsis was behind the whole thing! So let's enslave Pokémon. Liberal ideology at work. It's impossible to critique the current system. :very-intelligent:

      • Judge_Juche [she/her]
        2 years ago

        You got to appreciate the honesty of the early series where they just flat out say we are eating pokemon. I think the most fucked up one was Farfetch which they say tastes good boiled with leak (which the Farfetch convieniently carrys around with him), I think people overhunting them is used to explain their rarity.

        • Dryad [she/her]
          2 years ago

          I am going to eat arceus. It's vegan in the same way eating the rich is vegan. I will eat God

      • Goblinmancer [any]
        2 years ago

        If pokemons are so smart why zubats keep running to my flamethrower charizard? Checkmate liberals

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          2 years ago

          I'm not above instituting a hunting season on Zubats to control for overpopulation.