She said i should see someone who had experience with "extremism" and "racism"

I had to fight the urge to call her a PMC radlib

  • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I’m saying race theory as dividing people into arbitrary groups is wrong.

    Races don’t exist - the very concept was invented by extremely bigoted and racist people to justify colonial oppression of innocent people.

    Playing into racial divisions, even ironically is just something the left should refrain from. It legitimizes and reinforces that ideology.

    Mind you, I DO think discussion of racial disparity is necessary and good In a society full of racists. I’m just attacking racially charged antagonism e.g “genocide the whites” or “sterilize whitey”. Whites may not be a race, but that sort of talk IS racially charged and contextualized.

    Even coming from a place of irony, there is no reason to go there.