
Article is paywalled by the way, but you get the jist from the first paragraphs anyway, "oh no, we can't subdue the US's enemies, ahem, i mean "authoritarian enemies of democracy" through unilateral coercive measures, sorry, "sanctions" anymore, blah, blah, blah...".

    30 days ago

    "shadow economy"

    I like how they think that an economy in which the US isn't dominant is a "shadow" one.

      30 days ago

      With all of the sanctions it is imposing, the western bloc is actually the one quickly making itself into the shadow economy of the world. The rest of the world will go on trading with each other and rising up while the West chooses to isolate itself further and further in its stagnant bubble of "freedom and democracy and rules based order".

      Objectively this is a good thing but as someone stuck inside that bubble with no way out i have to say it's a bit of a bummer.

    • huf [he/him]
      30 days ago

      it's tax evasion under article "where's my money, huh, where's my fucking money?!" of the world american tax code...

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      30 days ago

      I mean kind of makes sense that wasps would see the economy that the global majority participates in as the shadow economy, while the one dominated by the western minority as the glorious legitimate economy.

      30 days ago

      Thanks, that's super helpful. The graphs are interesting but nothing we haven't seen or heard before in some form or another. Still, always useful to have a mainstream source to be able to confront liberals in denial with the cold hard data.

      What's most surprising is that some of the people commenting on the article seem actually way less delusional than whoever writes these pieces. I'm used to the readership of US MSM outlets being very ideologically liberal. I guess WSJ attracts a slightly different sort than your NYT or your WaPo.

    29 days ago

    Katt Williams bit about yelling "fuck everybody in the club" and not being able to walk back to your car safely comes to mind again

    • CCCP
      29 days ago

      Gotta dust that one off for maximum impact and zero credibility. That title has to be one of the most comically heavy handed things I've seen recently