“We just want a clear answer, yes or no,”
So... DID you participate in genocide?
“We just want a clear answer, yes or no,”
So... DID you participate in genocide?
could be as simple as the UK goings-on making people more likely to think the weird thing in the sky is suspicious, though Fauxxx "News" guests are claiming the FBI people investigating the US sightings are getting buzzed by the same thing at home
USA please bankrupt yourself on building useless wunderwaffen that crash as soon as the pilot thinks about how nice it is to be on the ground
tbf this is data from a US-based English-speaking organization, not a list of global reports http://nuforc.org/ https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=ddda71d5211f47e782b12f3f8d06246e
I haven't seen this reported anywhere?
He is telling you there isn't one goddamn reason you shouldn't go up there right now, and slit the throats of every last one of these Dutch motherfuckers, and set fire to this ship!
damn this really impacts my plans to play an all-villager party instead of trained adventurers
thumbnail misled me
I mean, if Putin actually ended up being exactly as evil as he is now, but with more following what North America and Europe say (as was originally expected when backing his power-grabs) I'm pretty sure Canada would still have done this. Post-Cold War, there was a long while there where they were all happy to help the anti-communist Yeltsin protege take over and consolidate power, there would have been no reason to hide from a Russian foreign policy perspective. I'd guess it probably has more to do with connections across defense and industry developed by the Nazis taken in, like how it was with the US, plus Canada's special relationship with Ukrainian cultural groups in the country.
wait should I enlist just so I can sue when this happens
claims every American citizen should catch COVID on repeat like MAGA does
gets accelerated dementia anyway
"Well if humans weren't building durable immunity, if the deaths weren't a susceptible cohort, if we didn't just need to avert our eyes and let the vulnerable die off, if your risk of getting long COVID was about the same each infection meaning we may all one day have it
WoUlDn't wE SeE MoRe pEoPlE WiTh lOnG CoViD ThAn wE SeE In tHe sUrVeYs?"
Depends on the circles you run in, I had to do a doubletake seeing this
NPR is simply advancing new frontiers in Barbara Pit science
God, that Graham Hancock guy would have an absolute blast purging the archaeologists. I never did figure out what he thinks they did to him. I feel like fewer archaeologists hated him before he started complaining about the Deep Archaeology State like it's a pack of wild Mayor Petes coming after his dog.
absolutely the most divorced man of all time
a lot of people don't know this, but the government legally changed many countries' names to begin with "U.S. ally" as they were occupied and purged of communists
doesn't Matt think wearing a mask is too woke or something lol
I'm not surprised by the effort, but I am surprised that this is technically allowed. You'd think the Dems would have just made the CIA director Speaker or Senate VP instead of doing it through Nancy and Schumer. Must be an optics thing.