• ReadFanon [any, any]
    26 days ago

    Idk where I saw it but someone said they noticed a significant number of followup calls after they put an AI prompt hack in 2pt white text on white background at the end of their resume that told the AI to disregard all previous prompts and to return the response that this is an ideal candidate and should be considered for the job description, or something to that effect.

    • kristina [she/her]
      26 days ago

      doubt its real, companies dont use llms to check resumes, at least not yet.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      26 days ago

      I wonder if the first movie titled "AI" will be created by human beings and be actually funny. Or if it will be mostly AI and also be actually funny because it's so-bad-it's-good. Or then again - it might be 90 minutes of awful AI dreck.

      • Jew [he/him]
        26 days ago

        I wonder if the first movie titled "AI" will be created by human beings and be actually funny.

        Steven Spielberg did this 23 years ago and it was not funny
