AI is the future

  • laziestflagellant [they/them]
    27 days ago

    I still don't understand AI bros' fixation with wanting to teach the AI to do text when that is by far the easiest thing for a layman to add to an image.

    I guess it stems from a refusal to even open MS Paint or whatever image editor they put on phones

    • happybadger [he/him]
      27 days ago

      Text is one more layer of gears on the mechanical turk. If you don't have it, the only thing these can shit out are even worse versions of the things we collectively agreed were gaudy years ago. Having a worker of any kind cuts into the profits they can hope to extract before literally everyone else who can push the same "make bad image" button pushes that button. If they can successfully teach a computer how to use a text box tool, you'll be entertained for 10 more minutes making it generate stupid text. You'll be slightly more likely to accidentally buy something it made.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        27 days ago

        Another way to look at it, if text is the only thing holding these things from making enormous amounts of ads and other digital content for whatever purpose, solving the text problem makes it go from taking a few seconds of human input per image to literally 0. If it takes literally 0 human input it asymptotically increases how much slop they produce to a ridiculous extent.

        • happybadger [he/him]
          27 days ago

          Having a worker of any kind cuts into the profits they can hope to extract before literally everyone else who can push the same "make bad image" button pushes that button.

          That's what I mean by that line. It's primary contradiction of capitalism 2.0. They're chasing that perfect moment where they get maximum profits with minimal inputs, ideally cutting the workers out entirely. But the moment that happens, everyone can do it so the competitive advantage goes away completely. The workers can't buy it and the product is so ratfucked that they don't even want it so demand flattens and they have a crisis of overproduction. Their starting point is that crisis and their product began as ersatz kitsch that I can generate endless customised versions of for free. The only AI "innovations" we see are desperate attempts to add another contraption to the mechanical turk. soypoint-1 this one can sound like that movie from 2013 and tlel you what burrito is just like googling "what is tortilla snake food" in 2003.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          27 days ago

          Another way to look at it, if text is the only thing holding these things from making enormous amounts of ads and other digital content for whatever purpose, solving the text problem makes it go from taking a few seconds of human input per image to literally 0. If it takes literally 0 human input it asymptotically increases how much slop they produce to a ridiculous extent.

          And the end game of that is going to be having completely unique ads constantly generated by AI that are then A/B tested against one another with generations of ads being phased out based on engagement levels and used to train the next wave of ads. Humans will optimise these ads over and over and over and over and over and over and over. The smallest mutations with each generation as it gets more and more and more optimal at reaching a target market.

          Hyper optimised advertising at a level that is unachievable with human editors with permutations of ads that only the fever dreams of an AI can fart out because a human would literally never consider sticking 3 random thumbs and a pinkie sticking out the side of a coca cola can that for some unknown bizarre reason people will click on again and again.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      27 days ago

      คr̷̢͙̺͉̼̟̜̿͜͜ภ๏ɭ๔ S̶̨͉̼̔͗ςђฬą̵͔͕͍͇̘͎̥̫̋̑̉гZєภɆﻮﻮḛ̸̫͒̇́͒͌̀г'ร most iconic レᓰn̷͚̠̳̿̀͗̌̾͆ͅͅw̴̫̺̔̅́̒̓̿͐̀̔̌

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      27 days ago

      Writing a chat gpt that is intentionally taught all the normal crao but nothing about the Terminator movies and use that to write Arnie's dialogue.

  • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
    27 days ago

    Based on the kid's little antennae I'm assuming this is the Whoville armed forces fighting their war against the Grinchdom

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      27 days ago

      He's also wearing fatigues. Maybe the kid will will goe so he's will will goe back

  • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
    27 days ago

    Damn they fixed the text issues, it's actual letters now.

    AI is taking my job of making nonsensical beetle baily comics