Basically people arguing on World of Warcraft LFG chat (on EU servers) about whether they should be racist to all Russians or just to hate the government, with people being like 'bUt I JuSt dOn'T uNdErStAnD wHy sO mAnY pEoPLe VoTeD fOr hiM'. I then chimed in and said all of the American war criminals running the country were also voted in, and then also said that 'if not for the balancing effect of Russia, the entirety of Africa, South America, Asia and the Middle East would look like Cambodia, Vietnam and Iraq, and who would stop us? Western Europe? lol'

Lots of angry responses and whispers from Western European players ensued, it was hilarious

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    30 days ago

    They think Americans are more racist. Incorrect.

    100%, and if you point this out to Europeans th EU just prove they have no comprehension of what racism is.

    A European will tell you America is so much more racist than their country, then you ask them how they feel about Roma people and suddenly you’re talking to a grand wizard of the KKK.

    Europe is “less racist” in one specific way, less events of open hatred towards Black people, solely because there are less Black people around to be openly hateful towards. When they do come around though, oh brother. Italians will literally throw bananas at you, that’s some fucking 1800s ass racism, a fucking Klan member couldn’t do that.