School is almost out (or is out, depending on where you're at) for summer! How is everyone doing with the heat?

Also I created a Matrix channel on the genzedong instance: (let me know if the URL works. Still learning matrix)

  • RedWizard [he/him]
    25 days ago

    Leave a comment below if you'd like to be ping'd when the week's thread goes live:

    26 days ago

    How’re we doing with the heat? Our A/C compressor turned into a solid block of ice last night after being serviced two weeks ago. So, not well!

    • RedWizard [he/him]
      26 days ago

      Oof that sucks. Bought a in window unit a few years ago that thankfully is still kicking.

  • Melonius [he/him]
    26 days ago

    We had thousands of birthdays to go to this weekend, so the kids had fun. Trying to squeeze in some bike/pool activities in the next few weeks if we can find the time

  • RedWizard [he/him]
    26 days ago

    Kid 2 is 1y now and I swear his sleep has gotten worse. He's up multiple times a night. He's up at like 5:30 every morning. At least twice in the last month I've had to go sleep in another room just to get some normal sleep...

    Its driving me a little mad.

      25 days ago

      Literally the same with our one-year-old kid 2. I think it’s because they’re dropping their morning nap. I remember with our first this transition being a lot easier, but each kid is different I guess. Kind of amazing how even the smallest things can be wildly different between kids.

      • RedWizard [he/him]
        25 days ago

        We are right in the middle of dropping the morning nap too, actually, so maybe you're on to something here!