The Morena party this afternoon declared Claudia Sheinbaum the winner of the presidential elections by a “two to one” difference over her main rival, the opposition Xóchitl Gálvez. “Sheinbaum has conquered the people of Mexico for her simplicity, tenacity and foolproof discipline,” said the group's president, Mario Delgado, from the campaign center of Sigamos haciendo historia, the coalition that also includes the Green Party and the PT. Earlier, Gálvez asked to take care of the vote during the count: “We are competing against authoritarianism and against power.

They are capable of anything. The fight for Mexico City also seems to be defined in favor of Morena and its candidate, Clara Brugada, according to at least three exit polls that give her a wide lead over the opposition Santiago Taboada. The first official quick count data will be available as of ten o'clock tonight.


Claudia Sheinbaum will be Mexico's first female president with 59.5% of the votes. The data thrown out by the quick count of the National Electoral Institute (INE) -which has delayed the announcement on three occasions- gives the official candidate a range that goes from 58.3% to 60.7% of the votes and a lead of approximately 30 points over the aspirant of the opposition alliance, Xóchitl Gálvez, who remains in a range of between 26.6% and 28.6%. Sheinbaum thus takes practically double the votes, fulfilling the most generous predictions. In a distant third place, with between 9.9% and 10.8% of the vote, is Jorge Álvarez Máynez, of Movimiento Ciudadano. Turnout is estimated at between 60 and 61.5% in a poll with a confidence level of 95%.

At 11:58 p.m., the PREP count stands at 31% of the vote counted and shows a turnout of close to 60%. If the results of the quick count are confirmed, Morena's candidate will have surpassed the result the president obtained in 2018 by approximately 2%, pending to see how many millions of votes the percentage translates into.

Colombian president and others celebrates Sheinbaum's victory

The president of Colombia joins some of his Latin American counterparts and congratulates the ruling party's candidate for her more than likely victory. “Mexico elected a progressive as the first female president in its history. It is a triumph for the Mexican people and for its democracy", he said in his account in the social network twitter.

  • Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo to Sheinbaum: “Remember that you have an ally in Guatemala”.

  • Xiomara Castro, president of Honduras, congratulates Sheinbaum: “We agreed to work together for the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean”.

  • Evo Morales also goes ahead and congratulates “Mexico's brand new president-elect” Claudia Sheinbaum

  • Bolivian President Luir Arce celebrates Sheinbaum's arrival to the presidency of Mexico.

  • Nicolás Maduro congratulates Claudia Sheinbaum on her triumph

Morena sweeps the Senate and Chamber of Deputies with 30% of the votes counted, according to INE's first official count.

The president councilor of INE, Guadalupe Taddei, has communicated the first official results with 30% of the votes counted, in which she has advanced that the Morena party has obtained the majority of seats for the Senate of the Republic and for the Chamber of Deputies. The party of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has obtained between 57 and 60 senatorial seats, while for the Chamber of Deputies it has reached up to 236 deputies.

Xóchitl Gálvez acknowledges defeat: “Being a candidate has been the great honor of my life”.

The candidate of the opposition coalition, Xóchitl Gálvez, has come out to publicly acknowledge the defeat of her candidacy, which she had previously acknowledged to the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, by phone, just an hour before. “Being a candidate has been the great honor of my life,” she has said emotionally. “I have always been a democrat, simply committed to respect for the law, I have demonstrated this as a citizen and in my political life. I recognize that the trends do not favor me and that there is no information to suggest that this may change,” she conceded after 1:00 a.m. ”I have always been a democrat, simply committed to respecting the law.

Sheinbaum, after an overwhelming victory: “Our duty is and will always be to look after each and every Mexican, without distinction”.

The already elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, has come out after midnight to celebrate her victory from Morena's bunker. “The difference for the Presidency of the Republic is more than 30 points, and even considering the lowest rank, we have won the qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies and very probably in the Senate,” she has extolled amid applause and cheers.

Sheinbaum has thanked the Mexicans who have participated in today's day and also the opposition candidates, Xóchitl Gálvez and Jorge Álvarez Máynez, who have called her minutes before to recognize their defeat.

But her words have been, above all, for the citizens. “I want to thank this recognition of the people of Mexico to our history, to the results, to the conviction and will, but above all this recognition of the people to our project of nation. I am also grateful because, for the first time in 200 years of the Republic, I will become the first woman president of Mexico,” she emphasized, and the public responded enthusiastically with shouts of ‘President, president!’.

“We conceive a plural, diverse and democratic Mexico,” she has continued. “Our duty is and will always be to watch over each and every Mexican, without distinction. Although many Mexicans do not fully agree with our project, we will have to walk in peace and harmony to continue building a fair and more prosperous Mexico", he promised: ”Our Government will be honest, without corruption or impunity. It will be a government with republican austerity, discipline and autonomy of the Bank of Mexico”.

A full Zócalo awaits her next speech, that of the first female president in the history of Mexico, who will also be the first female president in all of North America.

  • President López Obrador celebrates Sheinbaum's victory, “possibly the first female president with the most votes obtained in the history of our country.”
  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    4 months ago

    not very well

    EZLN disappears Autonomous Municipalities and Good Government Councils due to presence of organized crime in Chiapas

    The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) announced the disappearance of the Zapatista Autonomous Rebel Municipalities (MAREZ) and the Good Government Councils in Chiapas, due to the presence of organized crime.

    The decision to change the structure was made “after a long and profound critical and self-critical analysis, and after consulting with all the Zapatista peoples,” states the document signed by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

    According to the EZLN, the letterheads, positions, representations and agreements with the name of any MAREZ or Good Government Council are invalid, no person can present themselves as a member, authority or representative of them.

    The EZLN points out that the main cities of Chiapas are “in complete chaos,” with the municipal presidencies occupied by “legal hitmen” or “Disorganized Crime,” and they denounce blockades, assaults, kidnappings, kidnappings, extortion, forced recruitment and shootings.

    San Cristóbal de las Casas, Comitán, Las Margaritas and Palenque are some of the municipal capitals in “the hands of one of the cartels and in dispute with another”, accuse the Zapatistas, and point out that in the rural communities the problem is “even more serious”.

    “The official authorities are the problem. Yes, as in the rest of the country (...) The federal, state and local military and police forces are not in Chiapas to protect the civilian population. They are there with the sole objective of stopping migration,” says the communiqué.

    Chiapas is having a governor election now and Morena is likely to win, hopefully they can do something about the crisis but i wouldnt bet on it