Is it all just a part of political theater meant to propel Meatball Ron into the spotlight, or are there deeper causes that this legislation is being created in reaction to? The purposeful dismantling of the education system seems like one piece, but what else is going on?

  • jabrd [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Even before the current situation FL was always a bastion of capital flight within the US due to its tax laws. Hearing from my chud extended family that retired from the northeast to FL that was near the top of the list for reasons. iirc FL is also the top state that the wealthy are currently moving into. They could be building out a fortress state for capital in decline and the punitive legislation is to both continue the neoliberalization of potential profit centers of state capacity while building up enforcement capacities. Shooting from the hip tho

    • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
      1 year ago

      hope their fortress state includes uh something to protect the groundwater from chemical pollution and the coastline

      • jabrd [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The supreme irony that the two neo-fascist strongholds are in some of the states that will be least habitable within the end of the century. If it was literature I’d call it too on the nose