It’s kinda weird, as someone who got a degree in Econ - which was of course was really just “neoclassical economics” taught mostly by libertarian-leaning profs - to see just how ideologically driven bourgeois economics really is. I mean, even as I was learning it I knew how the whole thing relied heavily on certain capitalist-friendly assumptions that didn’t seem to align with reality. But the last couple years, it’s like I can read a Marxist analysis of the current situation and it makes perfect sense and seems empirically true. And then when bourgeois economists (or their fans on Reddit) are confronted with this, they just hand wave it away as being “in conflict with bAsIC eCoNoMiCs”. And then a little later down the road, the Marxist are proven right but no one wants to talk about it.
It’s kinda weird, as someone who got a degree in Econ - which was of course was really just “neoclassical economics” taught mostly by libertarian-leaning profs - to see just how ideologically driven bourgeois economics really is. I mean, even as I was learning it I knew how the whole thing relied heavily on certain capitalist-friendly assumptions that didn’t seem to align with reality. But the last couple years, it’s like I can read a Marxist analysis of the current situation and it makes perfect sense and seems empirically true. And then when bourgeois economists (or their fans on Reddit) are confronted with this, they just hand wave it away as being “in conflict with bAsIC eCoNoMiCs”. And then a little later down the road, the Marxist are proven right but no one wants to talk about it.