Time to bring Communism to these people. (Is this what it feels like to be America but in reverse?)

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 年前

    Back when I believed in that shit I dreamed of every person having radical bodily autonomy to the tune of "If you want to become your own interstellar space ship with a radically altered silicon brain capable of slow-boating between stars for the hell of it, you can!". Strong post scarcity, building stellar scale megastructures for fun, seeking out new life and new civilizations to trade media with them. The idea that people's idea of the singularity is mind controlled slaves and torturing their enemies for eternity is abhorrent in a way I don't really have words for.

    I don't even understand how your idea of what would happen after creating an arbitrarily powerful boostrapping super-intelligence includes something as banal as a corporation. I just don't. The lack of imagination would be staggering even without the sadism.