good post

  • usa_suxxx [they/them]
    1 year ago

    ETA: Even from a practicality angle mass murdering 19 million military veterans with a bullet to the head is an absurd proposal lol. You can want it all you want but that isn’t happening and its fucking silly to suggest it. Like if the revolutionary state really wanted to carry that out… fuck idk I wouldn’t betray the revolution about it but I’d be vocally advocating against it. Mass murder is no joke. Eastern Germany didnt do it to the Wermacht. Even Soviet killings of Nazi POWs weren’t indiscriminate.

    Yea, executing 19 million veterans is impractical but also the idea that you will not execute any of the 19 million veterans is also impractical. I guess I'm a centrist.

    I guess what comes off as Anti Imperialist apologia is the quick run to assuming that Leftists will not run trials or be capable of en masse winning these trials to execute the enemies of the revolution, The crimes has been commited and in many cases well documented.

    Personally, I don't think executing your enemies or allowing them to live is revolutionary. The act that is revolutionary is the one that advances the situation in the current moment in time. Nicaragua doesn't have the death penalty but it has prisons. Regardless, it deported many enemies of the revolution despite them already being sentenced to prison sentence.