Ah, yes, let’s embolden mass entitlement for an imagined technoutopian Future. While we’re at it, let’s indoctrinate children about how it all rests on the shoulders of WeSTeRn CivILiZAtIoN. Draw a line straight from Plato through to fantasies about the AI “abolition” of labor. That line goose-steps straight through the Third Reich.

Go ahead, tell me about another perpetual motion machine that will save humanity from material reality itself. Will the capitalists treat it kindly? These AI chauvinists really believe that they can make electricity free just by making it cheap to produce. Worked out well for insulin, didn’t it?

These people “fucking love” science in the same way that fascists “fucking love” free speech. They’re in full favor of fuel for the treat train, but mention socialism and suddenly we need to hit the breaks for the trains to run on time.

If Tucker Karlsson doesn’t tickle their brain holes, Elon Musk does. They’re all Luke Rattigan sooner or later. I’m just waiting for the day that we realize Futurism is literally a fascist tendency.